This page relates to version 1.30 of Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards for Server & Data Center. See the documentation index for previous versions, or for the Cloud version of Rich Filters.

The Rich Filter Smart Gauges Gadget

The Rich Filter Smart Gauges gadget displays proportions derived from issue counts, numeric and time-tracking issue fields, and custom ratios. The gadget is based on a rich filter and the gauges are based on the clauses of a smart filter. The gadget works as follows: 

  • the gadget builds a collection of issues based on the rich filter's base query and on the active quick filters (which means the results can be refined using Rich Filter Controller gadgets);
  • the gadget itself can further refine the results by applying a gadget-specific JQL that we call working query;
  • the gadget computes gauges based on the clauses of a smart filter; for each clause there will be a gauge;
  • the gadget can display results based on different values, like the number of issues (Issue Count) or the sum of number and time tracking fields (such as Story Points or Original Estimate);
  • the value used for the calculation can be the number of issues (Issue Count), or a numeric or time-tracking field (such as Story Points or Original Estimate);
  • the gadget supports multiple display layouts;
  • the gadget’s title can be customized.

Rich Filter Extensions

Rich filter extensions are separate Jira apps that can be installed on top of the Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards app to extend the rich filters and rich filter gadgets with new specific functionality.

New gauge options are available if you add any of the these extensions:

Configuring the Rich Filter Smart Gauges Gadget

Add a new or edit an existing Rich Filter Smart Gauges gadget in your Jira dashboard. The configuration form of the gadget will be displayed:

Edit the gadget configuration as described in the following table:

TitleOptionally, you can customize the title of the gadget. If left blank, the default title will be Rich Filter Smart Gauges.
Rich Filter

Select the rich filter the gadget will use.

Click on the Rich Filter button to display the list of rich filters; you can either scroll through or use the search box to find the filter you need.

The gadgets’ configuration forms only show the rich filters you are allowed to view. See the section on permissions for details.

The link in the description line below the Rich Filter button opens a new page with the configuration of the selected rich filter.

Also, when the gadget is in display mode, you can navigate directly to the rich filter of the gadget using the Rich Filter option in the menu at the top right of the gadget.

Working QueryThe working query is a JQL query that is combined with the base filter of the rich filter before searching for issues. The working query is optional: if left empty, only the base Jira filter and the quick filters affect the issues used for the output.
Smart FilterSelect the smart filter. For each clause of the smart filter, the gadget builds a gauge. If the smart filter has color tag types, then the gadget will use the configured colors in order to display the results. Otherwise, a default color will be used.
Show NoneSelect whether or not the gadget should also display a gauge for the issues not matching any of the clauses of the smart filter.
Computation Mode

You can select between two options:

  • Use smart clauses as gauge filters: if this option is selected, then the clauses of the smart filter are used to compute the gauge levels relative to all the issues included in the gadget. All gauges have the same total value.
  • Use smart clauses as gauge totals: if this option is selected, then the clauses of the smart filter are used to compute the gauge total for each gauge. All gauges use the same filter to compute the gauge level, which needs to be selected separately (see below). For this computation mode, a custom ratio may be used, instead of a gauge filter and a value.

Applies only if computation mode is Use smart clauses as gauge filters

This setting is applicable only if the selected computation mode is Use smart clauses as gauge filters.

Select the value to base the gauges on:

  • Issue Count: counts the number of issues.
  • Numeric: computes the sum of a numeric field. For instance, if using Jira Software, the gadget can use the sum of Story Points for the issues returned. 
  • Σ Numeric: the same as Numeric but for each issue it also includes the values in its sub-tasks.
  • Time Tracking: computes the sum of one of the time-tracking fields (i.e. Original Estimate, Remaining Estimate, Time Spent).
  • Σ Time Tracking: the same as Time Tracking but for each issue it also includes the values in its sub-tasks.

Gauge filter & value
Applies only if computation mode is Use smart clauses as gauge totals

This setting is applicable only if the selected computation mode is Use smart clauses as gauge totals.

For this computation mode, the gauges can be configured in one of two ways: with a filter & value pair or with a custom ratio.

Two drop-downs are used to configure the gauges:

  1. The first drop-down contains:
  • The static filters defined in the selected rich filter
  • Three predefined filters: Resolved Issues (resolution is not EMPTY), Unresolved Issues (resolution = Unresolved), Status category: Done (statusCategory = Done)
  • The custom ratios defined in the selected rich filter

 2. The second drop-down is displayed only if a filter (predefined or static) is selected in the first drop-down; the second drop-down contains the following options::

  • Issue Count: counts the number of issues.
  • Numeric: computes the sum of a numeric field. For instance, if using Jira Software, the gadget can use the sum of Story Points for the issues returned. 
  • Σ Numeric: the same as Numeric but for each issue it also includes the values in its sub-tasks.
  • Time Tracking: computes the sum of one of the time-tracking fields (i.e. Original Estimate, Remaining Estimate, Time Spent).
  • Σ Time Tracking: the same as Time Tracking but for each issue it also includes the values in its sub-tasks.

To sum up, to configure the gauges:

  1. First select a filter or a custom ratio. If a custom ratio is selected, the gauges definition is complete.
  2. If a filter was selected in step 1, select a value to complete the gauges definition.

  • Layout

You can chose one of several layouts to display the results:

  • Gauges: for each clause of the smart filter, the gadget displays a gauge.
    If the Computation Mode is Use smart clauses as gauge filters:

    If the Computation Mode is Use smart clauses as gauge totals:

  • Percentages & Ratios: for each clause of the smart filter, the gadget displays the percentage and ratio out of the total.

  • Percentages Only: for each clause of the smart filter, the gadget displays the percentage out of the total.

  • Counters & Percentages: for each clause of the smart filter, the gadget displays a counter and the percentage out of the total.